Saturday, July 21, 2007

Candyland House and Cyclopes Man

Sounds like a nightmare right? Well I wish that it was. Wes and I decided(more like Wes took it upon himself) to paint our front door red. We thought that it might look nice, we have seen some other houses in our neighborhood with red doors that actually bring in a nice color element. However, now that the damage has been done we can see that we already had enough color with the bright yellow and green. Now it just looks like the candyland house. Not only have we had to deal with a scary looking house but we also have a scary eye to deal with. Ben continues to have eye problems. Thursday cannot get here soon enough, as that is his highly anticipated visit to the eye doctor. This morning he woke up and couldn't even open his poor little eye. We must pay tribute to his sweet character because depsite only being able to see out of one eye, it didn't seem to bother him at all!!

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