It finally happened. We waited 6 very long weeks for today, and it finally happened. Logan's cast is history. We woke up early and headed to the children's hospital. The visit was surprisingly quick. We had the x-rays and before we knew it the Dr. gave the thumbs up. Next thing we knew the technician was sawing the nasty thing off. His skin was as scaly as a shedding snake, all dry and gross. The first thing we did when we got home was scrub-a-dub-dub. Then I scrubbed the tub because it was full of dead skin, yuck!
Logan does not walk yet. He is very hesitant to move now that the cast is off. He can get on and off the couch and can go up the stairs, that's about it. The doctor told us to expect two months until he is fully recovered and up and running. Despite his skinny torso and knobby knee he is in good spirits and we are glad to have the cast in our past.
I'm so happy for you guys. What a pain in the kiester to have that thing on. That's good that he is being careful about walking around and stuff. What a good boy. I better get to see you guys at Christmas. Lucas is on my "To kill" list for interfereing with our plans. Justin and Velvet, too.
Yipee! That cast is gone to the big cast graveyard! We are so glad!
I am amused by the Burk Family comment posted above us, I assume by Hayley. She must not remember how she was on our "To kill" list when she got married and we moved our family Christmas to Utah so you guys could come to her wedding.... hmmmm.... how quickly we forget! Hay, we love you anyway!
Mom O.
I'm glad Logan is doing well and the cast is gone. I don't know why Velvet and I are the "to kill" list, just because we may not come to Houston for Christmas.
Uh Oh,
We are so glad that he is able to move again! However, shrades will not be the same!
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