Monday, March 17, 2008

Our little Kitty

It was a beautiful evening. The kids were in bed, the dishes were washed and cleaned, all the toys randomly scattered throughout the house were put in there proper place. Wes and I had just plopped ourselves in front of the tube to enjoy the last hour of uninterrupted AI when we heard something at the front door. It wasn't a knock or a pound, but some sort of faint cracking/scratching sound. Wes and I looked at each other and then without speaking engaged in our routine rock, paper, scissor game to decided who would check it out. I lost, which is no new occurrence, and slowly made my way over to the window by the front door. Now, just to look out the window you can't see in front of the door very well, so you have to climb up onto, how do I describe it, a box under the stairway and arch your neck in order to see directly in front of the door. What I saw startled me a bit, the fluff of an animal(and for those of you who really know me, know that I am not what
you call an animal lover). I hopped down and decided to do what I do best when anything non humane comes my way, scare!! Right before I opened the door to let out an unearthly shriek. Wes said, "What is it?" In a rather annoyed voice I replied, "A cat!"
"Don't scare it, just leave it alone." This comment took me by surprise, Wes likes animals but knows and understands that I detest them and therefore doesn't care if I rid them from our property. "I'm not." I shouted and then sat down just in time to see Jason Castro sing(who is my favorite!!) forgetting all about the intrusive cat.

The next night we heard the same sound at the door. I look out and yet again there was the cat. "Wes, come here, you'll never believe whats back." Wes looked out the window and there he was curled up on our door mat. Just as cozy as he could be. I have to admit it was pretty cute seeing him taking a liking to OUR front porch.

Night after night we have checked and the cat is there. Saturday night I ran to the grocery store when I came home Wes called me to the front door proud to show me he had taken the liberty to set out some milk and a piece of pizza for the cat(I know what you are thinking pizza, who knows remember it's Wes.). We have even given it a name, "Kitty." That night we got up the courage and opened the door while he was drinking his milk. It's a pretty scraggly cat, we won't pet it and if it gets too close to either of us we shoo it away, but it's our little kitty and we love it.


sheriee staub said...

Well you never will get rid of it now - milk AND PIZZA. You'll probably just have more strays show up. It is a mangey looking little thing, but all in all, KITTY is pretty cute. I am proud of your courage Kate.
G'ma Sheriee

Chelsea and Evan said...

Love the story! I also can't stand animals (at all), but one winter a stray cat kept coming to my parent's back door. We felt so bad for it despite the fact that it looked like it had been in the dumpster one too many times. My mom said, "No way" when it came to keeping it. My brother’s hid it down in the basement. Long story short, my mom finally gave in. Since that day we have become so attached to that cat. Before you know it you'll be taking it down to the vet, catering to its every need and even filling a stocking for it at Christmas time!

Burk Family said...

Well that is just too cute. And kitty is such a creative name! I hope he liked his pizza. That was cute of Wes.

Peggy said...

It's really all my fault Kate doesn't like animals. The only pet we ever had was an iguana, given to Evan on Christmas morning. I was so excited to give this gift, and held it up proudly for all to see, when suddenly it whipped its tail and bit my hand. I screamed like a little girl, throwing it in the air. From that moment on we were all terrified of Iggy.
Oh, I forgot about the frogs that the boys had, too. Oh, and the dead snake that Lars kept. He named him "Scotty." Actually, "Dead Scotty."

Rachel said...

Hey Kate, I can't believe you have a Kitty hangin' around that is hilarious those pictures of "kitty" are great. Hey I am doing this fun little book tag through the blogs and I tagged you if you want to join in you can get the rules on my blog. if not no big deal! thanks Rachel!

Jamie said...

Hmmm. Sounds like an ideal pet! Maybe we should do that with the local rabbits!-) I don't think it would work because the boys are trained to chase them from the yard.