Sunday, July 20, 2008

Sleep walking, talking, dressing....

Last night at about 11pm Wes and I heard the toilet seat in the downstairs half bath fly open. We looked at each other a little startled and surprised(you see, the boys bedrooms are upstairs and our is downstairs). Wes said to me, "I sure hope that is Logan," as he jumped up to investigate. Then we heard a loud bang in the bathroom. I still laying in bed, as I always do when there are strange noises in the house, heard Wes say, "Logan jump up buddy." Logan got up and assumed the position to finish his duty in the bathroom facing the open door.
Wes: "Logan, turn around before you pee on the floor."
Logan(hazy look in his eye, staring up at Wes): no response
Wes:"Logan, are you done?"
Logan: still no response
Wes pulled Logan out of the bathroom and into our bedroom and handed him his shorts and underpants.
Wes:"Logan, put these on."
Logan tried and tried to get those pants on. It was quite pathetic looking because you see, he was trying to get them on his head!! He finally managed to pull his head through the leg hole of his underpants and began searching for the missing arm holes to this very strange t-shirt. Let me tell you, this was quite a scene, we started laughing. It was so weird because we are sitting watching him and laughing and he, in all seriousness, is trying to get redressed oblivious to us completely. Finally we decided to end the embarrassment and help the poor kid get back to bed. This morning I told Logan that he tried to put his pants on his head. He thought it was pretty funny, and remembered nothing from the night before. Kids are crazy.
What's your favorite sleeping walking story??

Friday, July 18, 2008

Oh the memories...

Hayley, loved the idea. Hope you don't mind me stealing.

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you.It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me!

Yes, today is my birthday. And what better gift could I give myself than to post a blog-tribute to myself! So here it is! Happy Birthday to me! Please post all the reasons why you think I am so stinkin' special. Thanks in advance, for I know that you will all have plenty of remarkable things to say!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Texas the great!!

To: Vernon and Sheriee Staub
I love Texas, yes I do.
Texas loves me, oh it's true.
We love each other and you so you see, we are a happy family.

Now am I invited back to the lake?

Our July 4th Weekend

We had a great Independence day and weekend. We left on Thursday and headed over to the lake. There we met up with Wes' parents, his brother, and the girls (Amber we missed you tons). We spent most of the time outside or in the water. We swam, ate delicious food, had even better company, swam, slammed it up with the new volleyball (great, great purchase may I add), cat fished, swam, dug in the sand, watched an awesome fireworks show, let off our own fireworks, and had the first freedom swim ever (it was a huge success Vern, good work!!). However, like always, I forgot to take pictures. Here is the one lone picture I did take of gramma and kiddos.

We are so grateful for such a wonderful country to live in. We are even more grateful for the men and women who have sacrificed so much for us to enjoy the freedom we do. How was your 4th??