Monday, January 26, 2009

Monday House

There is this little blog that I really like a lot. The writer describes her house on Monday's as Monday House. When I woke up this morning I discovered I too suffered from Monday house. This is what I saw...

Oh, and this is Monday me...yuck!
It's funny because Saturday night our house is always spotless. It's like Sunday is literally a day of rest, no one picks up after themselves, not one dish is washed, we take off our clothes and drop them on the floor. I don't know, I haven't figured it out yet. It's weird.

However, I have inherited some OCD traits from my mother and father and can't stand the mess very long, so here is how the house ended the day...

My house is sparkling, but I still look the same. Oh well, there's always tomorrow.


Kayla said...

Sheesh I wish my monday house looked like yours. We have the same problem, except at my house every day is a day of rest, and nobody picks up after themselves ever. I just follow everyone around picking up what they just dropped.

Unknown said...

Your monday mess is nothing girly...I love you house it's always clean and a page in the pottery barn catalog.

I love the lighting you caught in the kitchen ..

can't wait for logan's party on friday..yay

Heather and Scott said...

I agree with Kayla. I wish my Monday house looked as clean as yours. Mondays definantely are dig out days. Your house is so cute!

Jamie said...

I'm so much like you! I can't stand having messes as well. Despite that, I can't seem to keep everything tidy. Oh well.

Casey said...

WHAT THE!!! You have such a gorgeous house. man oh man. i want to go there one day and walk on those there clean floors of love.

Peggy said...

Cutie House. Cutie Girl. Cutie Boys. Cutie Husband. Cutie All.

Burk Family said...

Funny, I was thinking you looked cute. Did you take that pic yourself? Don't you feel like a dork when you do that? I totally have before. Your hair is getting long again. I like it. Mine is way long- should be a new post about it soon. (just to keep you in suspense! Dun dun dun!!!)

Heather said...

Hey! So fun to get a comment from you! Your family is adorable, and your house really does look like it could be in a magazine.

Anonymous said...

I hate messes too, but I can't keep it as nice as i'd like with 7 in the house. I clean everyday all day and I feel the job is never done. Help. Great post it was fun to read.

Knight knughts said...

The last comment was actually me I hate when Scott doesn't sign out.

sheriee staub said...

Your house is always great! WHO is your decorator, by the way?????? She did an excellent job - wink/wink
Love, G'ma Sheriee

The Domans said...

The messy pics looked clean to me! Plus the picture of you was totally cute!

Amber Staub said...

I love your Monay house. It's nice to know your house can actually get messy because whenever I see it, it looks like the 2nd set of pictures. I love Monday afternoons because it means I can walk from room to room in a clean house. Clean houses are the best. See you tomorrow at the lake house.