Thursday, January 17, 2008

Dim-Witted Gadgets: Part 1

So the other day Wes and I were driving in the car together. I was leisurely looking out the window when I noticed a cute little family out for a mid-morning jaunt.
"Look at that cute family Wes."-Kate
"Right over there. See, there's the dad walking next to the mom, and she is carrying!?"-Kate
"Oh snap, Kate that's not a baby."-Wes
"Daddy, you said a bad word."-Logan
"Dude. You're right, what is that furry thing? A dog? You have got to be kidding me!!"-Kate
"That's a dog alright!"-Wes
What has this world come to, because to me the whole reason for taking dogs outside was to walk them, not literally "walk" them. But hey, what do I know. Now, there was once a time, not long ago, when animals were animals and humans were, well human. However, recently the two have been merging until there is no clear distinction at all. Before we know it, dogs and cats will be attending school with our children and playing professional sports...Now that I have been thinking I would like to apologise to all the animals that for one reason or another cannot walk. It would be in this situation that a carrying devise like the one above would be very useful and quite kind, because everyone, dog or human alike can appreciate fresh air. Stay tuned for more dim-witted gadgets, or feel free to comment on some not-so-practical inventions you've seen around town.


Peggy said...

People will invent anything just to make a quick buck! The poor dog was probably wanting so badly to get down and run around!

Chelsea and Evan said...

That's your first time seeing one of those? Then you haven't been to Chicago! When the weather's nice outside, we see those little puppy-snuglis ALL THE TIME! We've even seen some carriers that they attach to the back of bikes that are especially built for dogs! People here are CRAZY with their pets... There are these little dog boutiques every few blocks and people use the snuglis and carriers with their dogs because They think their dogs are too cute and clean to be walking around on the street!
Evan (that's right... this is my first blog comment ever, so enjoy it)