Thursday, February 21, 2008

Is your Mother there?

Has it ever happened to you? Your minding your own business, probably wiping a counter off or throwing in a load of laundry, and all the sudden the telephone rings. Being in the pleasent mood that you are always in, you answer the phone as polietly as you can, "Hello."
"Yes, is your mother there?"

Now here comes the tricky part. What to say. What do you say? "Um, noooo(being you are 26 years old and have two children of your own and your mom really isn't there)." Or maybe you say, "I'm the lady of the house." Or do you let this comment completely ruin your day and scream and yell and finally hang up the phone?

I think that this comment is just as presuming as saying when is your baby due and not fully knowing if the women you are talking to is pregnant or not, or commenting on a baby whose gender you're not totally sure of(ex:what a cute little girl, and the child you are refering to is actually a boy). I guess the point that I am trying to make is, less is more, stop and think before saying something and embarresing yourself, and try and be the least presumptuous as possible and you will never get into trouble.


Marie said...

Kate, Thanks so much for leaving a comment! I only knew I had someone in Texas, but did not WHO you are. I love your blog.

Okay, this mom thing happened to me in PERSON. A door to door salesman asked me if my mom was home. I told him I was the mom. He didn't believe me. He even asked if all the kids were mine.

Yesterday at Target a worker walked past me and without missing a step said, "Girl, you are pregnant!" Sometimes I just laugh at the things people say. Like you said, what else is there to do?

Rachel said...

Kate I agree it is always better to keep your mouth shut unless you know all the facts! I refuse to answer my moms phone at her house because I am always mistaken for her, its a little different but it still always drove me crazy.

Burk Family said...

I have to say this has never happened to me because we don't have a home phone line. I'm sure it would, though. Some people are retarded. I, for one, will be calling you soon and saying that, just to see your reaction.

sheriee staub said...

Kate - You know my friend Denise I think???????? This happens to her daily. She always asks me if she has a whimpy little girl voice on the phone or something. She responds "I AM the mother". You just have a soft, sweet voice.

Love Ya - g'ma Sheriee

Peggy said...

Once when Dad was in the stake presidency, the missionaries came to the house. When I answered the door they asked me, "Is your dad here?" "Ummmm, no my Dad lives in Salt Lake. Do you mean my husband?"

Was I mad? NOT AT ALL!!!!

Your Mom Who Wishes She Really Was At Your House When The Phone Rang

SNOKAO said...

A few years ago I had a clogged pore on my nose. Someone said "Man, that's a nasty sunburn you got on your nose! You look just like Rudolph the red-nosed raindeer!"-Spence

Peggy said...

You gotta love Spencer's stories.

Peggy said...
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